Monday, January 31, 2011

Daisy and the Pushke

Good morning, Fellow Feather Rufflers!

Just a short post, today.

I decided to finally see how much money I had collected in my pushke (my mom's pig piggy bank.  It's stamped, "Zeuthen, Denmark" and I know she has had it since she was a girl... and since she would have been 86 this March... I treasure it.  It's what I use as my pushke:  Pushke:  The Yiddish word, pushke (pronounced PUSH-kee ,PUSH-kuh, or PISH-kee), is derived from the Polish word puszka and means, "a little can or container kept in the home, often in the kitchen, in which money to be donated to a charity is accumulated"...).  Maybe I'll blog about my lovely pushke on my other blog!  ANYWAY...

So I decided to do this, seeing as my precious pig was at her capacity.  Soon the lovely sound of tinkling coins filled the air.  What a great sound!  Or an annoying one, in the case of Daisy.  Suddenly, she started squawking angrily.  A very shrill squawk;  one that often would take her predecessor, Fresca, off to 'birdie prison' for a bit of birdie 'time out'  -- his cage would be taken into the bathroom and kept there for a moment -- in the dark -- to 'cool him off'  No, no, it's not mean.  It's a kind way of saying to a bird, "That's IT, SHUT IT...NOW!"  Even the vet approved.

So with that, I go into the living room to fetch her.  I knew she would only get louder if I didn't go in there at least to show her that everything was okay.  As I approached her cage, she flew onto my chair.

"No, my love, no chair for me, today... I need to rest in bed... I'm sorry."  I offered her my finger and she hopped on.  "Okay, come help me count."

As soon as I was again settled (it take a few moments with a belly full of staples), Daisy hopped onto my bedspread.  She stood there, looking at a small pile of sparkly, shiny coins in confusion.  Since the bedspread needs laundering, I figured I'd just dump the coins onto it.    I joked with her;

"Go count your money."  I know.  But I'm telling you, she understood me.  Damnit;  I'm not crazy.  I'm NOT!  I'm telling you, that bird ran over to them, and immediately started kicking through them.

As I counted nickels, she would find some and try to run off with one.  A bit too heavy for her, she tried dimes.  Dimes she could at least pick up and carry a few steps.  So, all told, she helped me count out a decent little loot, which has been put away and a new lot started. Or maybe, I'll use it to buy Daisy a much-needed play gym.

Until next time,
Ruffle them feathers!



  1. Oh, this little budgie continues to astound and amaze us all! She is truly a yellow "toaster hawk" and would just give anything to get to meet her and play with are so blessed, Pramps, to have her as your little bundle of love companion. Please tell her that cousin Karen loves her dearly and so do the girlies...

  2. Toaster Hawk, indeed! I am blessed, in so many ways! Parakeets can be like a box of chocolates; You just never know what you'll get! I got a good one! Someday, I'd love to have you and the girlies play with her! I am in the process of creating her very own YouTube Page and I'd love to use Shaley's drawing as it's icon photo... May I?

  3. Lil Cuz,

    Not only is Daisey Mae a very pretty little bird she is cute and smart.

    She already knows how to count the money maybe because she wants you to buy her something. She deserves it MOM.

    It's nice to have a great little companion that loves you and helps to put a SMILE on your face.
    Your right you lucked out to have picked out such a amazing little birdie.

    Also those pictures of her crocheting with you are so cute. She appears to be interested in everything you do.

    Well until the next time I hope you continue to thrive and learn more new things everyday "Daisey Mae"

    "A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
    It sings because it has a song".
    Chinese Proverb

    Love Cuz Fran


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