Monday, February 14, 2011

More Pins on St. Valentine's Day.

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

A bit of an update.

Yes, it's been a while.  My momma has been recovering from surgery she had almost a month ago.  A few things have changed with me, though, too...  I'll let my Momma tell you.

Thank you, Birdie Lou-Who!

Well, first off:  She has started talking.  Very faintly, but yes;  she can now speak.  "Pretty birdie."  That's it.  for now!  She continues to create her own little ditties by mixing the three whistles she has learned.

She has also started doing a very odd, and very annoying squawk.  One that in all of my years living with Aves, I have never heard a parakeet say.  It's her cute little "Peer" chirp, immediately followed by a shrill squawk.  Again... it's very annoying, even to me.  When she does this, it's a definite cry for attention.  She wants somebody to play with.  She wants someone around her.  Sometimes, she'll do it when we are close, but I am trying to do what my father did with his Buddy-birdie;  Whenever he'd squawk, Dad would simply point to him and say sternly;  "Stop."  And damned if Buddy uttered another peep.  I'm working on it.  She forced me to put her onto my bed and shut the door, it was so bad.  Rob is threatening 'birdie-jail'  where the cage is put into the bathroom with the lights out.  I don't like that.  I think it would scare her too much.  So, for now, I just let her sit on my bed for a few minutes, away from her flock; us.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Another new thing.  Her cute little "Peer" starts of so sweet and soft.  If she gets no response, she does it louder and with more ... hmm... urgency?  Yes, urgency.  Like If I say "Hi." to you, and you ignore (of course you wouldn't ignore me... perhaps you simply did not hear) me.  I may say it a bit louder. No, this is a bad example.  Let's say if I'm ordering food at a fast food place.  I ask for Diet Coke and I'm served a milkshake. I tell the person what I ordered and show  the receipt.  Clearly they are wrong, but insist they are correct.  "HELLO!?"  That's the one.  It's really quite funny!

Oh, and one more big change.  She no longer allows me to scratch her head.  The only person that can do this is Aaron.  No idea why she no longer allows me;  still,. it is very sweet.   Aaron is her best friend.  He was her first friend... guess that's why. So, it will be Aaron that helps her though this round of pin feathers.

As I get ready to sign off, she is sitting outside her cage and blowing kisses... perfect kisses.  Happy St. Valentine's Kisses from Daisy to you!

Until next time,

Ruffle those feathers!



  1. Oh, noooo, Daisy the adolescent! Daisy the contrary! Daisy the needy! How to discipline a teeny ball of feathers with the intelligence of Einstein??? Love your updates and love your birdie...

    Love and feathers always,

    Cuz Karen

  2. Daisy is indeed a ball of loving cute and knows who her Mama is...she is a sweet cute...

    Give her a kiss and a hug from her Aunt Cindi♥♥

    Happy Valentine's Day♥

  3. Daisey Mae is surely developing her own distinctive personality !

    Guess she needs a young handsome man's attention ! But I'm sure she still turns to her Mama for the extra special attention.

    Daisey Mae is probably testing how far she can go and get away with her squawking! Maybe a birdie Time Out is needed.

    Until next time:

    "A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song".
    Chinese Proverb

    Birds of a feather flock together

    Cuz Fran

  4. HAHAHA! Karen, you tickle me! You hit it on the head. She's testing us. I think she's PMSing. She sure is testy.

  5. Yeah, Cindi, she really is a cutie. She's talking now; 'pretty birrrrdie birdiee bird!"


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